Decolonize Cannabis for the Black Mom


It is no secret that I am a Cannamom. I don't flaunt it too much because people are vindictive, and I would never want to lose my kids over something so simple. The craziest part about this is there are hundreds and hundreds of groups of white mothers saying f the system, cannabis is safe; therefore, its okay to go against the law. The memes, stories, and shows flood my life. Just the other day my husband and I sat down to a show where there were white children of all degrees pictured taking their own cannabis supplements, or oils. Some for life threatening cancer, others for anxiety or ADHD. There are at least two white lead shows full of white cast members enjoying the benefits of cannabis in food and other means. The industry has been bogged down and placated already with privileged white business men hungry and ready to use this plant for money and for entertainment. All this while Black parents lose their children; All this while Black bodies fill the jail cells like trinkets in a china cabinet. Shiny tokens collected by the broken system all for having the audacity to have a dime bag or support their family. The relationship between cannabis and racism runs so deep and continues to grow day by day. As we see legalization slowly spread namely to white areas, benefitting white mothers, white lives and white pockets, the decolonization of cannabis is a growing movement. As a Black mama, I'm here to address it for my own sake, and for the other Black parents out there. It's time to decolonize cannabis both mentally and legally. Now.

In this new war on drugs, which is more of a war on marijuana arrests records showed that from 2001-2010 88% of drug arrests were for possession of marijuana. I'm sure you can guess what colors of the lovely rainbow that this impacted more than others. Marijuana usage has been seen to be equal amongst races, yet the arrest records are startlingly contrasting this information with Black bodies being arrested almost 4 times as much.

The overt and blatant colonization and war on marijuana is clear, but how does that effect Black mxms? What does this have to do with mothers and motherhood other than the fact that I'm a consumer? Well let's start with the stereotypes. There's a long-standing joke that moms need wine. This joke is 100% me somedays. I'm a wine connoisseur too, I love it. Whether just to drink or to destress because let's be honest motherhood ain't easy. It's okay to need a stress reliever in moderation. Wine has always been seen as the go to. The merchandise and paraphernalia are a dime a dozen. I've yet to find a store that doesn't have the running joke of Wino mothers on SOMETHING. The same has become of marijuana...when it comes to white mothers. Unfortunately, Black mothers often face respectability politics. We have to jump through more hoops and can't participate in certain activities offset the racism and stereotypes to prove we are worthy of the same respect as white mothers. Cannabis usage falls under that category. Fact of the matter is every mother's story for cannabis usage is different and there are no blanket criteria. Some of us use it for mental health because it's safe than the medications they give you at the doctor's office. Some use it because we like the way it makes us feel and helps us connect with people better. There's a plethora of many other reasons, but honestly no one is entitled to them nor do we have to have some big reason. Let Black mothers live. Let Black cannamoms be. Period.

There are many ways to start decolonizing cannabis usage among Black mxthers .

1 Decriminalize marijuana. The fear of cps or legal action needs to be removed and quickly. This is the main gate keeping decolonization from happening. The jail cells are full of Black men and women who dared to participate in marijuana whether selling or using.

2 Release those who have already been imprisoned and provide compensation for them as much as you can however you can.

3 Prioritize Black Bodies in the cannabis industry. Fund Black business ventures into the industry, seek out these young Black businessmen and women creating new cannabis filled creations. Put resources into them and put them at the forefront of the business.

4 Kick the respectability politics in your head that exist for over policing Black mxthers for pretty much everything including cannabis usage. White mothers are quick to grab the bottle, and everyone laughs it off. Allow Black mxthers the same freedom and no judgment when they grab the blunt/pipe/or hookah.

5 Be open to hearing and researching the benefits of cannabis in various fields such as mental health, behavioral health, and pregnancy especially when it comes to Black bodies.

These are just the start when it comes to combating the colonization of cannabis usage and the cannabis industry. The decolonization of cannabis is a general issue, but its one that directly intersects with Black parenthood. This war on cannabis has been fueled and ran on racism. As with most oppressive systems Black parents, especially Black mxms are left in the dust of liberation when we should be at the front. Being a Black cannamom is 100% okay and it's time for society to get on board with that. Decolonize cannabis for Black parents.

© 2020 Liv Black N Bold 
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