An Open Letter as A Black Mother...


In today's times, we as Black mothers are living in the new Civil Rights movement. It's not easy being Black and a mother in America. Our children are going to notice that our faces, mind and bodies are in distress, we are exhibiting symptoms of PTSD. The news stories, the buildings burning and masses of people are bound to catch their attention just like it has ours. 

What do you do? How do you look in the face of your Black child and explain that the world isn't for them. Their skin is seen as a weapon on sight and even being the nicest, most respectable Black person can't save them? How do you raise a child full of love, freedom, compassion, and empathy in a world that has none for them. 

My daughter is five and I finally sat her down and explained racism to her. I used the book written by Jelani Memory and it's a part of the "A Kids Book About..." series. This website has created a series that enlists authors to write children's books that fully address in an age appropriate manner hard subjects that are imperative for them to learn. Im not the type to shelter my children. I aim to educate them
in the good the bad and ugly in an age appropriate manner in order to gain understanding of their world.  It went pretty well. My daughter had already had some background speaking about it with her amazing teachers in Pre-K. I built on that using the book and my own knowledge. 

Even using that book, it doesn't cover police brutality. In school, kids are taught to revere with no unwavering faith all "essential" workers. Military, EMTS, firefighters and police. It's been hard explaining that police are human. They are not to be revered and blindly admired like any adult simply because they have a badge. There are specific ways Black people have to interact with police BUT the kicker to that is......even that can't save you sometimes. Add to it explaining why that building is burning and people are angry and how they have a right to be; It's a hard yet necessary conversation to have. To my surprise she got it, “Black and brown people are not treated nice and dying and it's not fair."

 To the Black mothers having these hard conversations with their kids I see you. Im here with you. Its not easy and probably will never be easy until things change. 

Be strong Black mamas, be kind to yourselves and your children. Guard your peace. Keep mothering strong, free Black children.

To nonblack mothers reading this: keep in mind the life essential conversations Black mothers are required to have with their children and do your due diligence in having the conversations necessary with your own nonblack children. Its imperative, its uncomfortable and its supposed to be. Look to Black sources already available created by Black women and mothers who expended labor when they didn’t have to as help as needed so your explanations don't come from a place of implicit bias and privilege. Continue unlearning and checking yourselves, and your peers whilst teaching your children to do the same. We need to get it right for the next generation and it starts with you. 

© 2020 Liv Black N Bold 
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